Short Bio [long bio here]

Damien Luxe, known colloquially as Hadassah Hill, is a Brooklyn-based artist and organizer, a repatriated expat, a DIY tech geek, and a working-class gone hustling-class queer femme fatale who's been on stage for over 15 years and organizes using art for radical social change.
She loves rhinestones and anything on wheels.

D'Luxe's electrotext has been curated & performed all over North America, and recently has produced the Hot Pink Mass and Femmes Fight Back. Along with going on the Heels on Wheels, Teaching Artist, Grassroots Media Justice and Femmes Fight Back tours; she's performed at Perver/cite, Rebel Cupcakes, for The Artist is Absent, the HOT!Festival, Radical Queer Semaine, Writing Outside the Margins, Queeruption 10 and Sista'hood, at three Femme Conferences, the Radar Reading series, at Mayworks and the Hysteria Festival; at universities, her own shows, in cabarets, at NYC dance parties, & with the well-retired all-femme troupe, Trash & Ready.

She has been published in anthologies and magazines, and has two CDs out: Ice-9 [2009] and Bad Girls Belief System, [2005]. Her music has been used for the $pread Magazine Documentary "In Our Own Image," and in the Queer X Show. She's working on a sci-fi novel and an illustrated collection of short stories.

As a creative professional and community organizer, she has been involved in media justice work for the last decade, most recently working on the Femme Collective as Media Chair of the Femme Conference, and providing web and communications support to small activist organizations. She has worked in independent print, web, theater and audio production for 10 years, and is committed to creating representations of the diverse communities she embodies and allies with, and to skill-sharing low/no-cost production techniques with others.

As an organizer, D'Luxe is a co-founder of the NYC Femme Family and of the H[art] Collective, a queer art collective in Brooklyn. From 2006-2009 she Art Directed the award-winning $pread Magazine, a quarterly magazine by and for people in the sex industry and their allies.

Dear internet user,

Axon NYE '09We can't actually be close because you don't really know me. But maybe if you looked at my bio and CV we might be able to work something casual out. Then again, you could creep me on facebook or even send me an email. I guess it's up to you.

xo, D'Luxe

Selected cv: Publications | Lectures & Workshops | Bibliography | Organizing | Video | Performances | Readings | [pdf]







SELECTED PERFORMANCES (* indicates solo show)